Game Of Thrones: Evolution Of Your Favourite Characters

Winter has come. After 6 long seasons winter has finally come and it has brought the undead army along. With a race to the Iron Throne at hand  and the Night’s King marching to the wall, the seven kingdoms is facing chaos in every direction..

With The King in the North gathering troops, the Mother of Dragons en route Westeros, Cersei plotting her devious schemes and Arya settling her scores, do the living have a chance of surviving the winter?

The main objective of this post is  to portray a few fan favourite characters from the show by using one word which describes them the most. This is based on my perception  of the characters.

Opinions may differ.   

1. Tyrion Lannister –  Astute

Meaning: Shrewd

Usage: Tyrion’s astuteness has ensured he’s in the right side in the battle for the Iron Throne! 

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The youngest of the Lannister trio, Tyrion is the personification of wit. The strongest weapon in the artillery of the fan favourite imp is his mouth. He has turned the tide in his favour with wit and tongue, innumerable times.  If  size really mattered the elephant would be the king of the jungle. So my money’s on the little lion for the run for the throne.

PS: You just cannot confront the man verbally unless you have access to burn ointment.

2. Arya Stark –   Retribution

Meaning: Vengeance

Usage: Arya’s grand entry at the beginning of season 7 has brought back old school retribution in style!

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“The girl has a name, Arya Stark of Winterfell” The last of the Stark girls was the reason for the many goosebumps for the viewers. From being a brash little tomboy to a vengeful warrior, Arya has come a long way. She opened the season in style and has started crossing out names on her kill list, sending a message and hinting that she has got her hands full for the season.  Ned would be really proud of little daughter.

The Lone Wolf has begun her hunt.

3. Jon Snow – Exemplar

Meaning: Ideal model

Usage: Though Jon Snow is not the true heir to Winterfell, he is an examplar of a true King In The North

Jon had started out at the Night’s Watch as a steward and jumped all hurdles, took all the blows and gave his life (literally!) and went on to become the Lord Commander. He has won the hearts of millions of fans by being a living portrayal of his father’s principles . A wave of nostalgia hits when he unites all the  men in the wall, wildlings and kings and forgives the traitors, reminding us of the honourable Ned Stark. The Lone Wolf doesn’t hesitate to give his life to save his pack.

Jon Snow is not the king the North deserves, but the king it needs right now.

4. Daenerys Targaryen – Emancipator

Meaning: Saviour

Usage: Daenerys emancipated the Unsullied army from their Masters and won many hearts.

The Mother of Dragons was treated as a slave by her own brother for his political interest. Daenerys Stormborn evolved from an innocent princess to a Khaleesi, to the Mother of Dragons and finally as the Saviour of Masses. From building her own army with a humongous fleet of  ships to forming allies, Danny is an iconic character of the series. With people loving and supporting her and with three intimidating dragons, the Targaryen  is on her way to reclaim her right to the throne.

Daenerys Targaryen is the reminder that dynamite comes in small packages.

5. Sansa Stark – Metamorphosis

Meaning:  Evolution

Usage: From a proper lady to a fearsome Queen, Sansa Stark’s metamorphosis has been a difficult & cruel one.  

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Sansa Stark is a survivor. Surrounded by evil, she is the princess with a crown of thorns. In the initial seasons you just cannot see Sansa without tears in her eyes. Well, you cannot blame the girl, she lost her family, got married to monsters (with the exception of Tyrion), lived amongst people who plotted her death and destroyed her family and hometown. Now Sansa has transformed into a lady, with tears replaced by revenge and a resolve of a Queen and has helped her brother regain Winterfell. She now has her sights set on Cersei and the Seven Kingdoms.   

Sansa Stark is a sword forged in fires and taken the beatings only to become better and stronger.

5. Cersei Lannister – Domineering

Meaning; Ambitious

Usage: Cersei’s domineering nature and power-hungry antics cost her her children, family & people.

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The dangerous combination of beauty, power and  ambition sums up the Queen of Westeros, Cersei Lannister. She blew up the most religious site of King’s Landing and managed to kill thousands of citizens just to make sure she killed a few enemies . Losing her children to death, Cersei  has become more heartless than ever. With the Mountain on her side and hatred and revenge fuelling her, Cersei is setting up the stage to face rivals approaching her from all sides.

The Mad Queen has taken up the reign.

7. Hodor – Benevolent

Meaning: Good Nature

Usage: Without a benevolent, protective caretaker like Hodor, it’s unlikely that Bran would have survived.

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Hold the door. The words that changed our perspective of the Giant of Winterfell. Now, who would have ever thought there was a tragic past that changed the poor guy’s life forever? Even though the time traveller messed up his childhood, Wylie (Hodor) was willing to sacrifice his life for his little master, which he eventually did.  The scene sure did  make us shed a few tears.

Hodor was the unsung hero with a forgotten name.

8. Jaime Lannister – Diligent

Meaning: Dedicated

Usage: Despite being termed the ‘traitor’, Jaime Lannister has always been diligent in performing his duty to the Iron Throne & the people.

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Jaime was Tywin Lannister’s prized trophy. Tywin put a lot of effort and thinking into the  combat training and mental growth of the heir to the Casterly Rocks, which sure did not go a waste. Over the series we can hear people glorifying the skills of the Lannister hunk. From pushing a little kid from the window to waging wars, Jaime did it all for his love.  He slowly evolved from an arrogant aristocrat to a noble warrior seeking a cause.

Jaime Lannister has the pride of a Lion and the heart of a doe.

9. Joffrey Baratheon – Abhorrent

Meaning: Despise

Usage: Though the benchmark for abhorrence has been long broken after Ramsay, Joffrey was one of the first members on the hate-list.

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Joffrey can easily win the award for the most hated character of the entire series, hands down. The late king was hated by everyone alike from the time he was an ill  mannered prince. The bravado pulled off dirty tricks one after the other that made the audience pray for his death. If Joffrey was on fire and I had a glass of water, I would use it for cleaning my shoe.

Joffrey is the undisputed king of hatesville.

10. Petyr Baelish – Deceitful

Meaning: Cunning

Usage: While we’re sure he has something up his sleeve, Littlefinger’s deceitful tactics are yet to be seen in the upcoming episodes in Season 7.


Never trust Littlefinger (In case you didn’t know,that’s his famous nickname). The guy made a statement himself! The infamous Petyr Baelish has a reputation for being as cunning as a fox. From deaths of Ned Stark and Lysa  Arryn, to the sentence of Tyrion, Petyr played his cards right. The master of coin is  a man with the a vast influence and hidden power and a tongue as sharp as a sword.

Littlefinger is a character of immense power hidden in the deepest of vaults.

I won’t name my favourite character out of the many. According to the rumor mill, favourites move on to rest in peace in this show.

Nevertheless, who’s your favourite Game of Thrones character? Comment and let us know!

Valar Morghulis.  #WinterIsHere

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4 Responses

  1. Snowarmy says:

    Hahaha. Good read. I think it eill turn out to be Dany on the Iron Throne and Jon Snow at Winterfell, just like Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark! 😀

  2. Rithwik says:

    That is, if Daenerys makes it until the end. 😉

  3. Sumita Kapur says:

    Very well written piece. The readers will definitely remember these words, thanks to astute linking with the personality traits of characters. The description of each character is original and very well scripted. Kudos, hope to see more by the same author, Sanjay Ravi Kumar

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