We at AdmitEDGE totally understand the fact that you are new to SOP writing, and want to know everything about it. In this article, we have tried to cover the basics of SOP writing, it’s importance, points to consider while writing an SOP, guidelines to follow while framing your SOP and detailed samples with explanations. This article will help you understand how a Statement of Purpose should be written, in a way that impresses the admissions committee.
A Statement of Purpose (SOP) is usually an essay that ranges between 500-1500 words in length (though it is advisable not to exceed 1.5 pages), that gives your desired university a brief idea about your academic & professional career trajectory till date, your motivation behind pursuing that very stream, your future goals after the completion of your course and so on. A well-written statement of purpose can often go a long way in boosting your chances of bagging your dream MS admits. To sum it up, it is the only document through which you can let the universities know about the things that set you apart from the rest, the factors that make your profile, a unique one!
As mentioned earlier, your statement of purpose serves as one of the prime factors that lets you gain acceptance to your desired grad school. A student’s Statement of Purpose holds the same importance as LORs, GRE/TOEFL/IELTS test scores, and transcripts in the selection process. This document acts like your mirror image and lets the university understand your strengths, weakness, achievements and other information about you.
Before you start writing your Statement of Purpose (SOP), consider the following pointers so that your SOP leaves a great impression on the admissions committee. They are there to hear, know and analyse you in every aspect to consider you as a part of their university.
Every university looks forward to accepting those candidates who have the potential to make the best of the education they receive and make valuable contributions to the industry or to research and academia. This is only logical, as a highly accomplished alumni body helps universities augment their reputation and standing. Let them know how valuable you are by pointing out your urge to learn, your ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, demonstrating a positive attitude towards taking up new challenges and other qualities you possess that you feel, make you a great fit for their student body.
“Be Yourself!” – this is a quote that we are all familiar with. However, it assumes a special significance when it comes to SOP writing. Show the universities what mettle you are made of, and by this, we mean that you should not only enlist all the enviable qualities and strengths that you possess but also own up to your weaknesses, and how you’ve worked to overcome them. Don’t forget to add any other pertinent information that you feel can help you get admitted to the program that you have opted for. Self-praising is great, but overdoing it, will create a negative impression on the experienced admissions officers, who review thousands of SOPs every year.
You cannot achieve your goals without failures. Mentioning your past failures along with a proper explanation of how these downfalls added to your knowledge and problem-solving skills will make your SOP stand out. Explain how these negative experiences illuminated the path to your success and stability. However, don’t just list your failures in any abrupt order without listing your learnings from them, as maintaining a proper balance is the key in powerful Statement of Purpose writing.
The competition for getting accepted to the top international universities is extremely high. To get an edge over your competitors, you need to ensure that your statement of purpose is distinctive. Write your SOP in a way that engages the admission committee, and compels them to read on. Your SOP should sound more like a verbal conversation rather than just listing your information. Explain how you faced challenges and tackled them. Let them know about your backlogs, if you had any, and mention why that happened. If you’ve faced some unwanted or unforeseen circumstances that have changed the course of your life, feel free to talk about them and how they helped you emerge as a stronger person. Be precise, concise and honest with the information that you present in your Statement of Purpose.
For example:
If you have applied for MS in CS (Computer Science) then simply stating, “I am interested in pursuing my master’s in CS from your university” would be an unimpressive statement. Instead, you must explain or make a specific reference to what exactly you want to study and why.
A 1 – 1.5 page Statement of Purpose is most preferable, but content exceeding 2 pages should strictly be avoided.
Overtly lengthy or verbose content usually drives away the attention of the reader.
The font size that is considered ideal is 12 pt.
Keeping 1-inch margins at all sides of the page gives your SOP a neat look, enhancing its visual appeal.
We always overlook documents that have long paragraphs and lengthy sentences. Nobody would ever like to read such documents unless it’s a thesis paper we’re talking about. While writing an SOP, make sure each paragraph’s length does not exceed 10 lines and avoid using long sentences.
First Paragraph: Introduce yourself by providing a brief background of your life so far, followed by your immediate career objective(s).
Second Paragraph: Explain what inspired you to take interest in the program and that specific field of study. Specify your favourite subjects and which authors’ books you liked the most and why. You must also mention the relevant academic projects you’ve completed and what you’ve taken way from the same.
Third Paragraph: Provide a brief information about your work experience, and any internships or certifications that you’ve completed, if applicable.
Fourth Paragraph: Briefly describe some other experiences that helped you to make up your mind to pursue graduate studies in your that particular area.
Closing Paragraph: Describe your long-term goals in 2-3 lines (should be related to your subject)
Below, you will find a detailed explanation, paragraph-wise, which will give you a more refined idea about what a perfect SOP looks like, matching the guidelines discussed above.
First Paragraph:
Statement of Purpose (SOP) Sample 1
Second Paragraph:
Statement of Purpose (SOP) Sample 2
Third paragraph:
Statement of Purpose (SOP) Sample 3
Fourth Paragraph
Statement of Purpose (SOP) Sample 4
Closing Paragraph:
Statement of Purpose (SOP) Sample 5
As discussed earlier, he has concluded his SOP in the proper fashion, mentioning a future goal which is relevant to the program he is opting for.
Statement of Purpose (SOP) Tips
Writing an SOP in the past was an easy task. However, owing to the rapid increase in the number of applicants each year, the selection process at top universities around the world has become a lot more stringent. Owing to this, framing and drafting a compelling, comprehensive, yet concise SOP has assumed a much bigger role than it played earlier, making it one of the most important factors that can help in determining your chances of acceptance.
We hope this article has been of assistance. We at AdmitEDGE wish you all the very best for your future endeavours!
If you have any further queries regarding writing the perfect SOP that wins you your dream admits, do let us know in the comments section below, and we’ll get back to you at the earliest!
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