Categories: GRE GRE Verbal

GRE Super Over – Learn & Remember GRE Words Easily!

Dear GRE Aspirant,

I know you.

You’re the person who’s tried everything to tame this beast.

Writing down while studying words.
Breaking it up into root words.
Saying it loud and almost coercing your mind to remember them.

Sadly, none of it seems to work, does it?

At least in remembering those pesky GRE words for a long time!

One such student like you was Akshaye.

He decided to prepare for GRE soon after graduating to give himself enough time to brush up his skills.

As soon as he went through a few sample questions, Akshaye realized that GRE Verbal was going to be his Achilles Heel. And, the best way to tackle GRE Verbal, particularly Text Completion & Sentence Equivalence sections is by developing a strong vocabulary.

However, after a quick glance at the long list, he realized his worst fears had come true most of the GRE words were alien to him.

Many people would let their worries get the better of them, but Akshaye was cut from a different cloth. He followed a study schedule where he was advised to master 20 GRE words per day, write them down in a diary, and revise them on the weekends.

In just 2 months, he challenged himself to master GRE Vocabulary and was it worth it?

Come exam day, Akshaye scored a whopping 334 in GRE with an impressive 165 in Verbal.


#1: 3D Learning

How do you go about learning GRE words?

When you take up a word, do you look at the meaning, understand it, and then look at the usage?

If you do that, then that’s great! But, you still haven’t learned the word.

There are actually a couple of more stages than that.

Want to learn GRE words quickly and easily? Learn GRE words with your favorite cartoons and TV shows! Download your FREE GRE Words eBook now!

Stage 1: Knowing a Word

At this stage, you break down a word into its meaning, parts of speech, and usage. For example, take the word “chicanery”

Meaning: Using tricks or deception to get something done

Parts of Speech: Since this word is used to identify a behavior/practice, it is classified as a noun.

Usage: He was too naive to understand his partner’s chicanery and lost all his money.

Stage 2: Understanding a Word

At this stage, it is important to be able to explain the meaning of the word in your own words and then categorize it.

Let’s try doing that for the word “chicanery.” Using immoral or unethical practices to achieve a goal is chicanery.

To categorize the word, answer the following questions:

  1. Is the word positive or negative?
  2. Does it describe an emotion or a behavior?
    (Most words will fall into this category and are the easiest to remember because of the direct association.)
  3. Are there any simpler words that mean the same?

For Chicanery, you’ll be able to easily categorize it as:

  1. It is a negative word.
  2. It describes a behavior.
  3. Trickery & Deception are similar to Chicanery, but simpler.

Stage 3: Applying a Word

At this stage, you start inducting the word into your own vocabulary by using the word in speaking or writing.

Go on, try applying the word Chicanery!

Here’s our example:

His political career was fueled by black money and chicanery to win votes.

Once you learn a word like this, do you think you would remember it better than you did before?

#2: Picture Perfect It

Think about this.

When you watch your favorite movie (mine is Shahrukh Khan’s, of course) and try to recall your favorite scene, what do you see when you close your eyes?

The actor’s face, expressions, and the setting? Or, do you remember the subtitles or dialogue?

This is exactly because Visual Memory activates the “ROM region of the brain” that is 65% more long-lasting than any other form of memory.

Similarly, exercising your visual memory for learning GRE words can help you remember what you learn for longer!

For example, consider this GRE word and image:

What are some of the first words you can associate with this picture?

Difficult? Stubborn? Unrelenting?

Now, guess what the meaning of the word Obdurate is?

Obdurate is used to describe a person who is being stubborn with the intention of stalling progress.

So easy, right?

At AdmitEDGE, we have collated 3000+ GRE words with relevant and quirky pictures for remembering.

Would you like to get started?

[Never Forget a GRE Word Again]
Learn 500 Must-Know GRE Words through Visual Word Learning with the WordBot App!- Try Now!

#3: Five-in-One Method

This is a quick and easy tip that ensures you learn multiple GRE words at once and this is best used as a revision method. The moment you learn 5 GRE words, stop.

Construct a sentence or paragraph that uses all of the above words & is still meaningful.

This will help you correlate words, understand the meaning with context, and remember the words for long.

AdmitEDGE Pro Tip: Use the name of a person that reminds you most of that particular emotion/behavior described by the GRE word to cement your learning.

For example, let’s say you learned the following words: Castigate, Condone, Disparage.

Anjali (the person that reminds you of this word) was castigated by her father for her disparaging remarks against the school principal. He told her firmly that he would not condone this kind of behavior.

#4: Get to the Root of Things!

Modern English as a language has evolved over many centuries with strong influences from Greek and Latin.

Therefore, many words that are apparently different from one another in meaning actually have common root words that mean the same thing.

For example, consider the GRE word, “misanthrope.”

It is made up of two Greek root words – “misein” & “anthropos.”

Therefore, the word misanthrope means someone who dislikes mankind and avoids people.

These are just some of the many tips that 35,000+ students have used to achieve their dream GRE score!

We can help you become the next one too!

[Grab Akshaye’s 5 tips to a 334 in GRE]
All his strategies highlighted in one single eBook Download your FREE copy now!

Donna David

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