GRE Super Over – The 30-Day Study Plan for a 320+

How to Plan for a High GRE Score?

By itself, the GRE syllabus is quite easy.

The entire Quantitative Reasoning Section is based on your high school mathematics (minus Trigonometry & Calculus).

Of course, the Verbal section is quite daunting, but there is nothing you cannot master, provided you know how to tackle it systematically.

Now, see, that’s where the challenge lies.

Ensure that you create a study plan that helps you:

  1. Cover the GRE syllabus thoroughly and in a methodical fashion.
  2. Wrap up your preparation in 3045 days before your GRE date.

That’s how Aditya Kardile felt before he started his GRE preparation as well.

With just 30 days in hand and no direction to his preparation, Aditya needed to move on fast!

In this situation, anyone would have accepted a lower-than-expected score.

But Aditya was not one to throw in the wet towel on his aspirations.

After earnest and methodical preparation, Aditya scored a smashing 330 in GRE with a perfect 170 in Quant too!

How did he manage to pull it off?


Week 1: The Warm-Up Week

Just like how you would treat a new exercise routine, it is important to treat your first week of GRE preparation like that too.

The focus for the very first week should be conceptual learning. You must use this time to learn tricks and techniques to solve GRE problems and get the answers right.

Give more importance to being accurate, over solving questions on time… for now.

[Free eBook Download]: Ultimate Guide To Crack GRE Verbal In Just 30 Days!
Find expert tips for TC/SE & techniques to ace RC in this MUST-HAVE Guide – Download Now!

Week 2: The Grind Week

Your focus for the second week should continue to remain accuracy i.e solving questions correctly. However, depending on your schedule, you can squeeze some time for revision as well.

GREedge Pro Tip: If you have lesser time during the week and more time on the weekends, then plan your study accordingly. It is important to cement your basics thoroughly in the first two weeks so rushing to complete your syllabus must be avoided.

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Week 3: The Revision Week

It’s time to go pro!

Once you have a strong foundation, it’s time to build on those skills with more advanced practice.

This is also the week where you’ll start paying more close attention to:

  1. how much time you spend on a question
  2. what kind of errors you’re making
  3. how to get more targeted practice to address your weaker areas

AdmitEDGE Pro Tip: At the end of the third week, ensure that you take at least 2 GRE mock tests on Saturday & Sunday, preferably, one in the morning & one in the evening.

Week 4: The Practice Week

The last lap is always the hardest and, surely, the focus of your fourth week should be: PERFECTION.

Armed with essential & advanced practice, you’re now ready to take full-length GRE style mock tests. These tests should be adaptive and accurate in terms of your final score.

This is also the time for you to focus on the most overlooked aspect of GRE, that is, Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA).

[Free eBook Download]: Different Types of Quant Questions You Can Expect in Your GRE!
Find expert tips for each of the question types along with solved examples. Download Now!

Does this look like a viable strategy that can help you get your dream score?

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Donna David

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