University Application Deadlines in November and December

Just getting started with your university applications? Aware of the University Application Deadlines?

For most Indian students looking to pursue graduate studies abroad, applying for the fall intake makes the most sense as it makes allows for a seamless transition. With most under-graduate final semesters getting over by the months of May and June and the fall term starting in late August or early September, students have just enough time to get ready for a brand new life in a new country.

So does that mean that you can start your application process after you’re done with your final semester exams?

Not at all.

If you’re planning for Fall ‘19 MS admits, you’ve got to ensure that you have your application ready by November 2018, and dispatched well before the application deadlines!

This includes your GRE/TOEFL/IELTS score reports, academic transcripts, application form, Statement of Purpose, Letters of Recommendation (at least 3) and resume (in pdf format)

Quite a few universities also have priority application deadlines which generally precede the regular deadlines by a month or more.

Why are priority application deadlines important?

Applying by the priority deadlines makes you eligible to receive funding & scholarships that can really bring down the often exorbitant costs of studying abroad.

Applying by the early deadline also saves you money in other ways. At many universities, the application fee is significantly lower when one applies by the early application deadline!

Couple that with the sheer mental peace that not having to run around helter-skelter at the last moment provides, and starting your university applications early suddenly makes a whole lot of sense.

Today, let’s take a look at the universities that have their application deadlines in the months of November and December (well, mostly in December) so you know just when to send in your completed applications by!

Most of the Top 50 Universities have their application deadlines comparatively early-on, so if you’re an ambitious student or working professional, aspiring for prestigious admits, it makes all the more sense to prepare your application well in advance!

What you see above are just a few popular options that are available. There are many more options still out there that could be suitable for your profile. For an overview more US universities including GRE/TOEFL score requirements, deadlines and fees, download your GRE cutoff eBook now!

So, let us now chalk out a plan to make the most of the Fall intake:

How To Meet These Application Deadlines?

This is your step-by-step guide to plan your application process:

#1: Ensure you take your GRE and language exams (IELTS/TOEFL) soon

September-October is a good time to do so if you want to target the University Application deadlines from December, as you can report your score free of cost to up to 4 universities at the time of such exams. Use those options wisely to save time and money.

#2: Apply and arrange for your Transcripts, mark sheets and Degrees

Your transcripts are an official statement of marks issued by your university that have the attestation and stamp of your Controller of Examinations or Registrar. They must be in a signed and sealed envelope and it will be wise to apply and arrange for as many original copies as the number of universities you plan to apply to. These documents are different from the mark sheets you were issued when you graduated or passed each semester. You will need attested copies of your semester wise mark-sheets and degrees too. Often universities can take anywhere from a week to a month or even more to issue the transcripts. So, apply for them soon to have the documents with you in good time.

#3: Work on a master draft of your SOP

As time is of the essence, here is a hack to ensure you are well prepared for all the qualitative questions that the university application forms might ask. Prepare a strong master draft of your Statement of Purpose covering your academics, work experience, projects, achievements, career objectives and purpose of applying for your masters etc. This is a time-consuming process. With this document ready, you can borrow from this to trim and form an SOP that will meet the university’s requirements (word limits and some specific essay questions)

#4: Finalize your choice of universities

If you already have your scores with you, this could be a good starting point for your plans. You can shortlist 6-8 universities that suit your profile and background after studying their courses, application deadlines, admission requirements and past admit trends. This requires extensive research as the options are many. It is not just a question of choosing based on ranks, you also need to look for options where you have a good chance of making a cut.

Apart from self-research, it will help to speak to your seniors, well-wishers, and relatives abroad. There are also dedicated groups and pages on social media that discuss popular universities abroad.

#5: Fill and File the Online Application Form

Once you know your options. You are done with the biggest part of your applications. The final step is to actually fill and file your application form. This step requires a lot of care and precision. Be sure of what you enter and review your form at least two-three times before submitting. Do check if you have uploaded the right documents. It is advisable to finish the online application process a few days before the final application deadline.

#6: Report your official scores and dispatch  the documents packet

The final leg of your application process is the official score reporting and couriering your documents such as transcripts and degree (if asked by the university). Be sure to use the right university and/or department codes while you are reporting your scores. Another point to note is that it is advisable to mention the reference number generated after the submission of the online application on your documents packet to ensure it is added to your application file quickly.

Every step is important and needs to be completed with utmost care and perfection. But some planning and hard work can surely see you through this multi-step process.

There may have been many reasons that delayed your plans or you might have just reached the decision to apply abroad. Whatever be the reason, there is no need to hold back and wait for the next admission season, when you have options right now too!!

So, it is time to get started and with a positive attitude, some hard work and the right guidance you can definitely make it to a world-class graduate programme in 2019!

Comment below and let us know if you have any questions. We’ll be happy to answer them all!


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