Tips and Techniques to Improve your GRE® Vocab

A good vocabulary takes a long time to develop. You need to make a conscious effort to improve your vocabulary by any means. However, if your GRE® is fast approaching and have very less time for GRE® vocabulary practice then you need to rethink your strategy.
In the Revised GRE® Exam, there 3 sections namely Sentence equivalence, Text completion & Reading comprehension. These 3 sections are highly dependent on how good you are with your GRE® vocabulary words.
There are various sources of vocabulary learning available on the internet, but the most used sources are GREedge Wordlist and Barrons GRE® Wordlist. GREedge provides various types of wordlists like picture based and theme based wordlist to erase the monotony in your preparation.

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GREedge’s picture based wordlist has been designed to make learning enjoyable. Visuals or images along with words tend to stay longer in memory than just plain words. Hence the picture based wordlist. Completing any one of these wordlists is enough to master GRE® vocabulary.
Speaking of Barrons, there is an exhaustive wordlist of 3000 words provided in an alphabetical order. Now if you had to just mug up the words, then this wordlist would have been of much greater help. Unfortunately, ETS wants you to concentrate more on context based learning rather than just memorizing al the words out there. So, what is the solution to a better way of learning? Well, GREedge has solved the problem.
GREedge’s theme based word list is designed to make word learning effective. Words are categorized under various themes carrying homogenous characteristics. This helps you relate to each word better. One good thing about the theme based wordlist is that it is totally free and can be accessed from anywhere.
While you swim through the picture based wordlist and the theme based wordlist enjoying your way to a better vocabulary, there are some other online applications that can come in handy for GRE®.
Your personal diary for word learning. It includes words with pictures, synonyms, antonyms, usage and pronunciation. Study when you want mark words to review later if you want prepare some other time. Track your progress continuously.
Your personal diary for word learning. It includes words with pictures, synonyms, antonyms, usage and pronunciation. Study when you want mark words to review later if you want prepare some other time. Track your progress continuously.

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