GRE® Word List with Usage and Context

Softly, softly, treads the Mungle
Thinner thorn Behaviour Street.
Whorg canteell whorth bee asbin?
Cam we so all complete,
with all our faulty bagnose?

“The Faulty Bagnose” by John Lennon
You just read the opening lines of the song, “The Faulty Bagnose” written by John Lennon not very long back. Thankfully, we don’t have to deal with this kind of mind boggling portmanteaus and neologisms like ‘mungle pilgriffs’ and ‘whorg canteell’ in the GRE® these days. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t be coming across shockers such as Cantankerous, Effrontery, Gossamer, Megalomania etc. in reading comprehension or the sentence equivalence questions in the GRE® Vocabulary sections.
The English Vocabulary has always proved to be historically one of the most intimidating hurdles for quite a sizeable chunk of GRE® aspirants. Countless GRE® Word Lists and English vocabulary flash cards are available in the online and offline media. But the real problem is that, many of the GRE® aspirants face the trouble of too many choices. With so many seemingly equally potent GRE® word lists and Vocab lists, it often becomes difficult to narrow down on one GRE® word list that would solve all their GRE® vocabulary needs. This leads to many ineffective ways of choosing a good English GRE® Word List that is good for your GRE® preparations.
One common misconception is that the more the number of words the English GRE® Word List has to offer, the better it is. Wrong. A good GRE® Word List must offer high frequency GRE® words. There is no point if a GRE® Word List has words like ‘Staggaboon undie’ and ‘gurlished wramfeed’. You need the GRE® Word List to write the GRE®, and not long posts on John Lennon appreciation club forums! Right?
Another ineffective way of preparing for GRE® Vocab is vehemently cramming up words and their definitions. This definitely doesn’t work. Apart from being tough and tedious, this process has no long term retention value. Just remembering GRE® words and definitions isn’t enough. You have to train your brain on how to identify the meaning and usage of the word in the context of the sentence. One more mistake students do is to start learning GRE® words in an alphabetical order. Even though this might seem to be a simple enough mechanism, it is grossly ineffective. By the time the students reach the latter half of the alphabets, they tend to forget the meanings and usage of the GRE® words starting with the earlier alphabets.

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Hence, a good GRE® Word List should have the following features :
Only the High Frequency GRE® words. No unnecessary extra words.
A recommended learning order – As I mentioned earlier, learning the GRE® words in an alphabetical order is found to be ineffective in most cases. Hence, the GRE® Word List should have the words in a more scientific and logical order. It helps if the GRE® Word List is broken down into multiple ‘packs’ of related words.
Related Words – Sometimes to understand the meaning of the GRE® words, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the related and similar words also. Unless and until you know the subtle differences between them, it becomes very difficult to retain their meanings in the memory and leads to ambiguity during the exams.
Usage – The definition should be associated with a proper example of how to use that GRE® word in a sentence.
Picture Cues – We tend to remember and recall pictures more than words. If the word and its definition is accompanied by a related picture, it becomes easier to remember, easier to understand and more exciting to learn GRE® words.
Pronunciation – Say out loud, and say it properly. The word becomes easier to remember.
Figure of Speech – The GRE® Word List should ideally provide the figure of speech of the word, so that it becomes easier not just to remember but also understand the word properly.
Synonyms and antonyms - Sometimes a few words appear alien to us and difficult to remember but we do understand the meaning of its synonyms or antonyms. This in turn helps us to learn the original word. Thus, a GRE® Word List having synonyms and antonyms as well is very handy.
Needless to say, GRE® Word Lists containing all these features are rare to find. I would recommend anyone who is planning to write the GRE® one such tool WordBot. I recommend this free tool to all my students who are appearing for their GRE® exams. And guess what? It works brilliantly. I will let you guys explore a few nifty and helpful features of this slick tool.
So, as we can see this nifty tool checks every single box of our checklist and offers more. It can be accessed from anything via your smartphone, your tablet or your laptop. So, you can have a dose of the GRE® Words of the day during your bus commute, during coffee breaks, while waiting in long queues, while waiting for your order to come in eateries; pretty much from anywhere and at any time. The Theme based wordlist and Picture based learning method is by far the best feature of WordBot. I’m yet to see a more effective method for remembering GRE® Word Lists. And the cherry on the topping is that, this is absolutely free to use. Go ahead, check out WordBot, Explore the features and improve your Vocabulary.
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