What Can A Good GRE® Score
Do For Your Dream Career
Do For Your Dream Career
Talk to our experts to understand how you can achieve a high GRE® score. Register Now!
AdmitEDGE, Guidance Platform
for Admissions, GRE, IELTS & more
for Admissions, GRE, IELTS & more
What is GRE?
GRE® or Graduate Record Examinations is a standardized test for students aspiring to pursue a higher education degree such as MS or MBA at universities worldwide.
It is conducted by ETS or Education Testing Service based out of the US.
Scored out of a 340, the GRE® aims to test you - the candidate - for specific skills such as:
It is conducted by ETS or Education Testing Service based out of the US.
Scored out of a 340, the GRE® aims to test you - the candidate - for specific skills such as:
1. Your critical thinking skills
2. Your quantitative & verbal reasoning ability
3. Your analytical thinking skills.
Why is GRE® important for admissions abroad?
Would you agree that your GPA is the best reflection of your true potential?
Absolutely not!
In fact, we know so many students who had a low GPA (<7)
but achieved a great GRE® score i.e upwards 310!
Absolutely not!
In fact, we know so many students who had a low GPA (<7)
but achieved a great GRE® score i.e upwards 310!
Sushant Patil
GPA - 7.78; GRE® Score - 319; Admit - University Of Maryland, College Park
Sushant Patil
GPA - 7.11; GRE® Score - 315; Admit - Georgia Institute Of Technology
Apoorva Saxena
GPA - 7.5; GRE® Score - 329 ; Admit - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Who should take GRE?
Any student or working professional who:
1. Is interested in pursuing a higher education degree abroad.
2. Wants to grab the best job opportunities in his/her chosen field.
3. Dreams of a better lifestyle abroad.
4. Has a valid passport
Can write GRE!
1. Is interested in pursuing a higher education degree abroad.
2. Wants to grab the best job opportunities in his/her chosen field.
3. Dreams of a better lifestyle abroad.
4. Has a valid passport
Can write GRE!
When is the GRE® conducted?
Unlike, CAT or GATE, GRE® is conducted all year round.
You can take the GRE® whenever you feel most prepared to achieve your best GRE® score!
You can take the GRE® whenever you feel most prepared to achieve your best GRE® score!
What do you need to achieve a best GRE® score?
Step 1: Understanding Your Strengths & Weaknesses
Step 2: Planning Your GRE® Study Schedule
Step 3: Tracking Your Daily Progress & Fine Tuning Your Prep
Step 4: Last Minute Revision For Best Results
Step 2: Planning Your GRE® Study Schedule
Step 3: Tracking Your Daily Progress & Fine Tuning Your Prep
Step 4: Last Minute Revision For Best Results
Talk to our experts, understand & achieve a high GRE® score.
AdmitEDGE, Guidance Platform
for Admissions, GRE, IELTS & more
for Admissions, GRE, IELTS & more