Fastest Way to Learn GRE® High Frequency Word List
Long since GRE® came into picture, students have had a tough time remembering words. More so since the new GRE® pattern was introduced. While earlier the emphasis was more on expanding a student’s vocabulary base, it is now more on the contextual usage of the words.
Learning 3500 new words can be highly intimidating. Covering all the words starting from the first to the last itself is mind-boggling. Even if you succeed in going through all the words, there is no guarantee that they’ll stick to your memory till your GRE® day. Moreover, using wrong techniques to learn words can create a whirlwind of confusion in your mind.
The GRE® verbal section is designed in such a way that it demands a proper learning methodology, without which your hard work could be rendered useless. It requires you to spend enough time learning words and expanding your vocabulary base apart from practicing various question types. But 3500 is a huge number. What do we do when we are short of time?
When the clock is ticking and the time is short, high frequency GRE® words can be very effective. Although, learning the full list of words is highly recommended, high frequency words can be used effectively when you are running out of time. In case you are wondering, high frequency GRE® words are those words which have high chances of appearing in the GRE®.
Here are some examples of high-frequency GRE® words.
1. Prevaricate
Meaning: be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information.
Parts of Speech: Verb
Usage: He seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked pointed questions
Meaning: be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information.
Parts of Speech: Verb
Usage: He seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked pointed questions
2. Laconic
Meaning: Brief and to the point.
Parts of Speech: Adjective
Usage: his laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic
Meaning: Brief and to the point.
Parts of Speech: Adjective
Usage: his laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic
3. Perfunctory
Hasty and without attention to detail.
Parts of Speech: Adjective
Usage: he gave a perfunctory nod.
Hasty and without attention to detail.
Parts of Speech: Adjective
Usage: he gave a perfunctory nod.
Now the big question is, where can one find the high-frequency GRE® words? WordBot from GREedge is one place where you can find all the high-frequency words. Along with the words, this tool provides words with pictures, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation and usage to enhance your memory. The WordBot mainly focus on learning words with pictures. Picture based learning has proven to be the most effective way of learning words. The human brain has a natural tendency to remember visual elements much more than text. The WordBot also helps the words endure longer in your memory. Track and review the words that you have learnt or even mark them for revision later. It is like your personal word learning diary. When it comes to learning words, WordBot is a win-win.